french school

16- French articles / The essentials in French

Learn Definite and Indefinite Articles in French : Articles in French are small words that accompany nouns to define or indefinitize them. There are three types of articles in French: - LE, LA, LES, L' definite articles = THE - UN, UNE, DES indefinite articles = A, AN - DE DU, DE LA, DE L’, DES = partitive articles Definite articles (le, la, les) are used to refer to something specific ; for example, "le chat" or "la maison". Definite articles are often used to talk about something that has already been mentioned or is easily identifiable ; in English, we would use “THE”. Indefinite articles (un, une, des) are used to refer to something general or nonspecific ; for example, "un chat" or "une maison". Indefinite articles are often used to introduce something new or unknown in English, we would use “A, AN”. Partitive articles (de, du, de la, de l', des) are used to refer to a part of a whole, it is something that you can’t count ; for example, "du pain" or "de l'eau". Partitive articles are often used to talk about food or drink. It is important to note that articles in French must correspond in gender and number with the noun they refer to ; for example, "la maison" requires the use of the feminine article "la", while "les chats" requires the use of the plural article "les". WARNING: Partitive articles are strange and very difficult when you start French ! Often nothing is used in English while the partitive is used in French. Exercice with a text: Here you can see how to use articles. J'ai un ami qui s'appelle Thomas, il habite dans une petite maison près de l'école. Thomas a un chien qui s'appelle Max ; Max est un grand chien noir. Thomas aime se promener avec Max dans le parc où il y a des arbres, des fleurs, des gens qui se promènent, un lac et un joli point de vue. Thomas et Max aiment regarder les oiseaux qui volent dans le ciel.

Did you understand it well ?

Question 1

__________ garçons jouent au foot.

Question 2

Je vois __ chien dans la rue.

Question 3

__ arbre dans le jardin est très grand.

Question 4

J'achète___ pain et ___ fromage pour le déjeuner.

Question 5

Je voudrais ___ café et ___ croissant pour le petit déjeuner.

Typical restaurant from France