Master French Numbers from 1 to 100 (and more) for Beginners FRENCH NUMBERS// LES NOMBRES 0 : zéro / 1 : un / 2 : deux / 3 : trois / 4 : quatre 5 : cinq / 6 : six / 7 : sept / 8 : huit / 9 : neuf 10: dix / 11: onze / 12: douze / 13: treize / 14: quatorze/ 15: quinze / 16: seize / 17: dix-sept / 18: dix-huit / 19: dix-neuf / 20: vingt 21: vingt-et-un / 22: vingt-deux Dozens: 30: trente 40: quarante 50: cinquante 60: soixante 70: soixante-dix 80: quatre-vingt 90: quatre-vingt dix 100: cent / 1000: mille / 1 000 000: un million Attention: A thousand is invariable! ex: deux mille. Things that you need to know to count in French: - For the date, we have another way to read numbers than English. For example, let’s take the year 1862. It will give you in French: Mille (thousand) huit cent (eight hundred) soixante-deux (sixty two). - For twenty-one, thirty-one, we add et (and) between the dozen and the number. It gives you: vingt-et-un (21), trente-et-un (31). - For 70, 80 and 90: 70 is like sixty ten (soixante dix) 80 is 4 times twenty (quatre-vingt) 90 is 4 times twenty ten (quatre-vingt dix) Good luck!
Question 1
How do you write 41?
Question 2
How do you write 101?
Question 3
Give me the spelling of 1792:
Question 4
Give me the spelling of 2023