french school

18- The Near Future in French / Easily Talk About Your Plans

Learn to Use "Le Futur Proche" to Discuss Upcoming Events in French : The near future, in French, is a verb tense that allows us to express an action or an event that will happen very soon, in the immediate future. It is used to describe something that is planned or certain to happen. Here's how to form and use it: The near future is formed by conjugating the verb "aller" (to go) in the present tense, followed by the infinitive of the main verb: Subject + conjugated "aller" in the present + infinitive of the main verb Example: Je vais manger (I am going to eat) Tu vas étudier (You are going to study) Il/Elle/On va sortir (He/She/One is going to go out) Nous allons voyager (We are going to travel) Vous allez parler (You are going to speak) Ils/Elles vont arriver (They are going to arrive) Usage: Express actions or events that are very close in time Announce intentions or plans for the immediate future Talk about forecasts based on current indications. The near future is commonly used in spoken language to indicate immediate plans or actions planned for the very near future; it provides a simple and direct way to communicate what is about to happen. The near future is the easiest tense in French ! It’s a proper and easy way to express what you are going to do, for example: Ce weekend, je vais sortir avec des amis. Nous allons manger dans un restaurant du centre de Toulouse. Je vais commander du canard, j’adore ça ! Ensuite, nous allons danser dans les bars et profiter de la nuit.

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Question 1

Je ____________ (finir) tard ce soir.

Question 2

Le chanteur ____________ (donner) un concert demain soir.

Question 3

Vous ____________ (acheter) une nouvelle voiture bientôt.

Question 4

Elle ____________ (partir) en vacances la semaine prochaine.

Question 5

Ils ____________ (manger) au restaurant ce soir.

Typical restaurant from France