french school

26- Mastering Future Simple (Le Futur Simple) in French : Key Conjugation and Usage Tips

Essential Guide to Understanding and Using the Future Simple Tense in French : The future simple tense in French is conjugated to express actions or events that will occur in the future. We also use it for certitude, to give an order or to express a commitment, here's how to conjugate it: Take the infinitive form of the verb, which is the base form of the verb (for example, "parler," "finir," "prendre"). Add the appropriate endings to this infinitive, which are the same for all verbs, regardless of their group (-er, -ir, -re). Endings for all verbs: Je + ending -ai Tu + ending -as Il/Elle/On + ending -a Nous + ending -ons Vous + ending -ez Ils/Elles + ending -ont First group (-er): Verb "parler" (to speak) : Je parlerai (I will speak) Tu parleras (You will speak) Il/Elle/On parlera (He/She/One will speak) Nous parlerons (We will speak) Vous parlerez (You will speak) Ils/Elles parleront (They will speak) Second group (-ir) - Verb "finir" (to finish) : Je finirai (I will finish) Tu finiras (You will finish) Il/Elle/On finira (He/She/One will finish) Nous finirons (We will finish) Vous finirez (You will finish) Ils/Elles finiront (They will finish) Third group (-re, ir, oir) - Verb "prendre" (to take) : Je prendrai (I will take) Tu prendras (You will take) Il/Elle/On prendra (He/She/One will take) Nous prendrons (We will take) Vous prendrez (You will take) Ils/Elles prendront (They will take) The simple future is often used for events further in the future, planned actions, or predictions, while the near future (futur proche) is used for events very close in time or imminent actions. The choice between the two depends on the temporal proximity and the speaker's intention.

Did you understand it well ?

Question 1

Demain, nous ____________ (manger) au restaurant.

Question 2

Tu ____________ (danser) toute la nuit.

Question 3

Elle ____________ (lire) ce livre demain.

Question 4

Ils ____________ (partir) pour Paris la semaine prochaine.

Question 5

Je ____________ (terminer) mes devoirs ce soir.

Typical restaurant from France